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SpaceX suffered a major setback when its Falcon ix rocket exploded shortly after liftoff on a resupply mission to the International Space Station back in June. The company has now announced that it expects the Falcon 9 to hit the launchpad over again barely six months later on the result in December. The rocket has been revamped to forestall a reoccurrence of the failure, simply SpaceX is taking all possible precautions. If it had a second failure past some tragic twist of fate, that might spell the terminate for SpaceX's manned mission plans.

The catastrophic failure of SpaceX's concluding launch took place just a few minutes into the flight when an internal support strut in the rocket'southward upper phase failed. This strut design had been flown many times earlier, but in this example it snapped under 2,000 pounds of force. It was rated to withstand x,000 pounds, though. When the strut failed, the rocket's helium pressure vessel came loose and released a burst of helium into the liquid oxygen tank. The resulting increase in force per unit area caused the tank to rupture and blow the rocket to bits.


SpaceX has been working to minimize the PR bear on of the failure, though bravado up a few one thousand thousand dollars in valuable equipment and experiments isn't something easily forgotten. The company has pointed to its emergency abort system, which is beingness developed for the manned version of the Dragon capsule. SpaceX says it got telemetry from the Dragon capsule after the rocket broke up, meaning that a functional abort system could take saved the lives of astronauts in such an event. The escape system, including parachutes, was not enabled during the cargo launch, though.

At this fourth dimension, SpaceX is targeting half-dozen to eight weeks for another Falcon 9 launch. This will probable hateful some testing before some other NASA payload is placed on-board. In addition to redesigning the support struts that caused the June explosion, SpaceX's new Falcon 9 vehicle will be capable of more thrust. This is being done in gild to better the chances of a successful first stage landing. SpaceX has tried this a few times, getting very close before this year. If vertical landing of the spent first stage can be perfected, that would lower launch costs substantially every bit the rocket could be refurbished instead of discarded.

SpaceX Dragon V2 Interior

A successful return to form is essential for SpaceX to retain its place as one of the leading private space firms. Information technology has a contract with NASA as part of the commercial crew plan to send people to the ISS aboard the Dragon v2 (in a higher place) in the next few years. Hopefully that will happen on a Falcon 9 rocket that's safer than ever before.