How to Measure For Compression Socks

The prospect of how to measure for compression socks can seem difficult. At that place are dissimilar techniques for measuring for compression socks, and getting authentic measurements are crucial to making sure your pinch socks work properly. In this guide, we'll go through what compression socks are, why measurements are of import, and how to measure for compression socks.

What Are Compression Socks?

Compression socks apply gentle pressure to encourage healthy circulation. They're designed topromote increasedblood menstruum from an private'southward legs to their center. Compression socks take numerous benefits including helping athletes recover from injury, protecting bedridden patients from blood clots, and to make standing all day comfortable for people similar nurses and hospitality workers. This is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits to wearing compression socks.

When You Should Wear Compression Socks

How to Measure For Compression Socks

We'll get through themost common reasons for wearing pinch socks, which may in fact relate to you:

  • On bed residuum
  • During a long flight
  • Sitting for extended periods of fourth dimension due to work or travel
  • Continuous standing
  • Suffering from or having a family history of sure health atmospheric condition such as DVT and/or varicose veins
  • Exercising: it is believed that compression socks can decrease muscle soreness while exercising or during mail-exercise recovery
  • For relief after suffering a musculus injury

How to Fit Pinch Socks

How to Measure For Compression Socks

Knowing the right way for how to measure for pinch socks and getting a practiced fit are essential for pinch socks to work correctly and improve your wellness. If your compression socks are too tight, they can be painful and end upward cut off circulation, which would bethe opposite of what they are intended for. On the flip side, if your compression socks are likewise loose, you won't get any of the benefits, and you might also just wear regular socks.

How Should Compression Socks Feel?

You lot're aiming for finding pinch socks that are not as well tight, but not too loose, so what does that mean exactly? Compression socks are designed to fit snuggly throughout the leg. If this doesn't clear things upwardly, consult our guide on how tight compression socks should exist.

Methods For Measuring Compression Garments

How to Measure For Compression Socks

1. Consult a Professional Fitter

The near accurate fashion to measure out compression socks is to consult a professional person fitter. Retail stores that carry compression socks accept fitters that would accept all your measurements and propose you lot on size. Mostly, if you're getting prescription compression socks, the doctor volition measure you for the socks and specify the measurements on the prescription to be ordered by the pharmacy.

2. At-Home Measurements

Measuring for compression socks at home just requires a tape measure out, so many people opt for this method. With how to measure for compressions socks at abode,you take to know the type of compression garment you'll be purchasing and at which length.

How to Measure Compression Socks & Stockings

Working out how to measure for pinch socks for the outset time tin can be tricky. Methods are different for each type of sock. We'll starting time with the most common lengths for compression socks: knee joint loftier and thigh high.

Before attempting this withany blazon of compression garment:measurements should exist taken first thing in the morning, equally our legs naturally nifty during the solar day.Ankle measurements are always completed first.

Knee High Compression Socks

Knee high compression socks mostly fall a few inches below the knee, similar regular knee socks. Compression stockings that reach the articulatio genus tin help prevent swelling in your feet and ankles. For knee-high pinch socks, y'all'll need to discover thecircumference of your ankle, the circumference of your calf, and the length of your calf. Follow these steps on how to measure for compression socks that are knee high:

  1. Circumference of your ankle: loop the measuring tape above your ankle os, on the nigh narrow part of your ankle
  2. Circumference of your calf: loop the measuring tape around the widest part of your calf
  3. Length of your dogie: sit in a chair with your legs in an "L" shape, then mensurate betwixt where your knee bends and the floor
  4. Echo on the other leg

Thigh High Compression Socks

Thigh loftier pinch socks generally fit a few inches beneath the elevation of the thigh. If you are below average tiptop and the socks go above the knee, only fold the socks down to thigh level (do not bunch them). You lot'll need to discover thecircumference of your talocrural joint, calf, and thigh, then the length of your leg.

  1. Circumference of your talocrural joint: loop the measuring tape higher up your ankle bone, on the most narrow role of your ankle
  2. Circumference of your calf: loop the measuring tape around the widest function of your calf
  3. Length of your calf: sit in a chair with your legs in an "L" shape, then measure between where your genu bends and the flooring
  4. Circumference of your thigh: loop the measuring record effectually the widest part of your thigh
  5. Length of your thigh: measure from the top of your thigh to the flooring
  6. Repeat the procedure for the other leg

Compression Stockings & Panty Hose

Compression stockings and pantyhose cover the entirety of your legs, much like women'due south nylons do. They provide further benefits to leg apportionment and can be prescribed by a dr.. If you program to practice the measurements yourself, note thatthe instructions for measuring thigh high compression socks are the same for stockings & pantyhose.

Choosing the Right Pressure Gradient

How to Measure For Compression Socks

Information technology'due south important to cull the right pressure gradient when learning how to measure for compression socks, stockings, and pantyhose. A medico can definitely suggest yous on which level is best for you, but y'all can easily determine this yourself. We've created a useful guide for compression gradients:

Compression Therapy Guide

Compression Level Compression Gradient Recommended For
Balmy 8-15 mmHg Prolonged periods of sitting or standing;  pregnant women
Medium fifteen-20 mmHg Get-go time pinch socks users; varicose and spider veins
House xx-thirty mmHg Moderate to astringent varicose veins; postal service-surgical and post-sclerotherapy
Extra Firm thirty-xl mmHg Severe varicose veins
RX 40-50 mmHg Serious venous diseases

Prescription vs Not-Prescription Compression Garments

There are differences between prescription and not-prescription compression socks that are important to consider:

Pinch socks of 20 mmHg or in a higher place need to exist prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Non-prescription compression socks are ordinarily used for travel or comfort, or for tired legs, rather than to assist with more serious health conditions

There are many different tests a dr. may practise to determine if y'all need prescription compression socks, including ultrasounds and a family history.

Information technology'due south recommended that offset time users of compression socks should stick to a medium compression level,unless a physician recommends a unlike level.

How to Size Compression Socks

How to Measure For Compression Socks


There are a variety of sizes offered for compression socks.Pinch socks come in both men's and women's sizes, but they also come in specific dogie sizes for a improve fit.Generally, compression socks come in size extra minor, minor/medium, and large/extra-big. These sizes correspond to shoe sizes:

Compression Socks Size Chart

Sock Size XS S/M L/Forty
Women 5-8 8-10 11-xiv
Men 5-7 eight-ten 11-thirteen
Calf Size 10''-13'' thirteen''-16'' 16''-20''

Advisory: Who Should Not Vesture Compression Socks

How to Measure For Compression Socks

There are some people who have wellness concerns that make them unsuitable candidates for pinch socks. These are health conditions that may prevent you from wearing compression socks:

  • Elderly people with senile purpura
  • People with arterial disease
  • Oozing dermatitis
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Middle failure
  • Phlebitis

If y'all have any of the higher up wellness conditions,you should get the go-ahead from a healthcare professional person before wearing compression socks. Otherwise, you lot're good to go!

How to Vesture Compression Socks and Stockings

Putting on pinch socks tin be a niggling tricky. We have an in-depth guide for putting them on, but here's a quick run through in case you lot're in a bustle:

  • Unlike a regular sock, you'll have to put your arm all the fashion into a pinch sock
  • Then, you'll accept to pinch the heel of the sock and plow information technology inside out
  • Side by side, put your foot in the bottom of the sock, and first rolling it over your feet;make certain the cloth is smooth across your leg

If y'all have trouble getting compression socks on yourself, or can't put them on yourself, you can use a stocking donner. This is a blazon of metallic frame you tin roll your pinch sock over, so yous tin can place your foot directly in the sock. It takes the guesswork out of putting on compression socks!

Where to Buy Compression Socks

Soxy compression socks are known to be the best for several reasons. They are very reasonably priced compared to other brands on the market. Each pair is priced at$24, with regular MSRP at $49. Soxy offers15-20 mmHg compression socks in Small (v-viii) and Large (ix-13), which are fabricated ofloftier quality cotton fiber.

In addition to possessing all the circulation-benefiting elements of regular compression socks, Soxy compression socks are designed withincredibly soft and breathable material. They featurerip protection, used to double re-enforce areas that experience the nigh friction and tear. Our compression socks are for anyone in any stage of life! You lot can become with classic plain or striped, or fun and cute designs.

We Tin can All Do good From Compression Garments

How to Measure For Compression Socks

There are tons of different means you tin benefit from wearing compression socks and other pinch garments. Whether you're a marathon runner, nurse, teacher, athlete, expectant female parent, world traveler, or are recovering from injury,

Compression socks can help forestall swelling, specially from travel, terminate varicose veins, and assist during pregnancy.Pinch socks are especially beneficial for athletes, sedentary workers, people who only had surgery, and frequent travellers.

Figuring out how to measure for compression socks properly tin be a struggle, but if y'all do piece of work carefully and follow our guide, yous can easily know how to measure for compression socks and the size you lot need, so you can  improve your health and live your all-time life!