
How to directly reboot in Safe Mode in Windows 11/10

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The Safe fashion in Windows, start the estimator with a limited prepare of drivers and organization files. Startup programs, add-ons, etc. first, practice not run in Rubber Mode, and simply the basic drivers needed to start Windows xi/10/8/seven are started. This mode is quite useful for troubleshooting Windows issues.

If you want to restart and boot directly into Safety Mode, you have to spotter the computer reboot, watch the diverse BIOS messages, select which operating arrangement you want to boot with, so press F8 at the verbal moment to enable the Advanced Boot carte. In Windows xi/10, of course, things are a bit different. You have to first enable the F8 primal if you lot want to use information technology to boot in Rubber Manner.

Read: What are the different types of Condom Mode?

How to reboot in Safe Mode

But yous wish you tin straight reboot into Safe Mode. To exercise this, open Run box, blazon msconfig and striking Enter to open up the Organisation Configuration utility.


Select the Boot tab, and under Boot Options, check Condom Mode. The Minimal pick volition get selected automatically. If y'all need other Safe Fashion options like Networking, etc., you tin can select those.

Click on Utilise > OK. You volition now run into a prompt. Click on the Restart push, and the estimator volition initiate the process to reboot your reckoner direct in safe fashion. So earlier you click the Restart push, make sure that you take saved all your work.

Do notation that, if you lot reboot again from Condom Manner, you lot volition again reboot back into Safe Mode. So once you have completed your work in Safe Manner, again run msconfig and uncheck the Safe Boot choice, Click Apply, and then restart your estimator. This volition bring you back to your desktop, later the restart.

Boot in Safety Mode using Command Prompt

You can execute the post-obit command in an elevated command prompt, and restart your calculator to boot into Safety Mode.

bcdedit /gear up {current} safeboot minimal

Kick into Safe Mode with Networking

bcdedit /set up {electric current} safeboot network

Boot into Safe Way with Command Prompt

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal bcdedit /set {default} safebootalternateshell yes

To exit Rubber Mode, employ:

bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot

Shortcut to reboot in Safe Mode

If you need to reboot in Condom Mode frequently, you tin can create its shortcut. Correct-click on your desktop, select New > Shortcut. In the Location field, copy-paste the following path:

C:\Windows\System32\msconfig.exe -2

Click side by side and name the shortcut every bit, say, Restart Options.


Alternatively, you can download and use a simple .exe utility chosen BootSafe.


However, when you lot desire to leave Safe Style and return to Normal mode, you lot need to utilize this program again to get a reboot into Normal way.

Run into this post if your PC is stuck and cannot go out Safe Way.

These links too are sure to interest you:

  1. How to boot in Prophylactic way while dual-booting Windows
  2. Display Startup Settings & Boot into Safety Mode in Windows
  3. Rubber Style not working in Windows.

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the unabridged post & the comments first, create a System Restore Indicate before making whatever changes to your system & be conscientious about any tertiary-party offers while installing freeware.


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